(إنجليزي) برنامج لإدارة رسائلك وعمل دردشة بالرسائل ETSmsSprite v1.7 Beta1
ETSmsSprite v1.7 Beta1 S60v3/v5 SymbianOS 9.x UnSigned Translated by SymPViet
ET SMS Wizard v1.1 simultaneously released the official version of the official website. ET SMS Wizard is a set of messages and letters fly-in-one messaging management software, fake iPhone's gorgeous text chat interface, easy operation and practical so you can fully say goodbye system messaging! ET the first public beta of SMS Wizard v1.7 update: 1. Increase the flash information function; 2. Increase the delete local avatar; 3. To increase the skin fast switching function, chat interface, press "0" key to quickly switch to chat skin; 4. Increase the tagging shortcut key: "7" for the tag single, "9" to mark all; 5. Add Bluetooth information processing, can be directly open / save / delete; 6. Fix a new message box to delete the information after the new information prompts are prompted to delete the information; 7. Fix a new message box is set to not display the contents of deleted messages without prompting the question; 8. Fix the problem automatically unlock set failure; 9. Other issues. يتيح لك هذا التطبيق إدارة رسائلك القصيرة وهو نفس برنامج FreeiSms لكن مجاني ويمكن عمل دردشة من خلاله بشكل سلس ..
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